APPOINTMENTat Amsterdam / Rotterdam
You can make an appointment here. You can choose the location of Amsterdam or Rotterdam.Click a button below!
PLEASE NOTESIt is still mandatory to wear a facemask at our salon to prevent the spread of virus.Please bring your own facemask otherwise we may ask you to buy one from us.We still cannot serve any drinks / magazines / cushions. We recommend you to bring your own drinks if your appointment is longer.And please be aware of your booking time / date to be sure you could come on time.We are pleased to have you and thank you for your support and understanding.
APPOINTMENTat Amsterdam / Rotterdam
You can make an appointment here. You can choose the location Amsterdam or Rotterdam.Click a button below!
PLEASE NOTESIt is still mandatory to wear a facemask at our salon to prevent the spread of virus.Please bring your own facemask otherwise we may ask you to buy one from us.We still cannot serve any drinks / magazines / cushions. We recommend you to bring your own drinks if your appointment is longer.And please be aware of your booking time / date to be sure you could come on time.We are pleased to have you and thank you for your support and understanding.